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  October 2020  

DG Energy News

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In focus
Towards a just and clean energy transition

Decarbonising the EU economy can only be successful if every EU state is part of it. Read more about the provisions of the Just Transition Mechanism and the coal regions in transition initiative through which the EU commits itself to safeguarding carbon dependent regions - article available in EN, FR, DE, ES, IT and PL

Top stories
State of the energy union: Progress made on the clean energy transition and a basis for green recovery

This annual report, and a range of accompanying documents, provides a snapshot of where the EU stands on the clean energy transition. Delve into energy insights and updates on energy subsidies, prices and costs, clean energy competitiveness, renewables, and the EU assessment on the individual NECPs

Commission adopts EU methane strategy

The EU Methane Strategy sets out measures to cut methane emissions in the energy, agriculture and waste sectors, in Europe and internationally.

Renovation wave: Doubling the renovation rate to cut emissions, boost recovery and reduce energy poverty

Through this new initiative, the Commission is aiming to at least double renovation rates in the next ten years, thereby reducing emissions, boosting the post-Covid recovery and addressing energy poverty.

Other news
New financing mechanism to boost renewable energy
Investing in new energy infrastructure: Green light for EU grants worth nearly €1 billion
Baltic ministers endorse commitment for closer cooperation on offshore energy
The Central and South-Eastern European energy connectivity high-level group reinforces regional cooperation
Renewables could cover more than one-third of energy demand in Central and South Eastern Europe
Upcoming events
Clean energy for EU islands online forum
Date 26/10/2020 - 29/10/2020
Venue Online
Energy Infrastructure Forum 2020
Date 29/10/2020
Venue Online
Latest studies and publications
Study on energy prices, costs and their impact on industry and households
Quarterly report on European gas markets
Quarterly report on European electricity markets
Final report on the technical support to the development of a smart readiness indicator for buildings
Calls for tender and consultations
Ocean energy — evaluation of EU renewable power generation & policy
Deadline 10/12/2020
DG Energy

Commissioner for energy Kadri Simson

The European Green Deal

Clean energy for all Europeans

© European Union 2020 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

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