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Bridging the Green Skills Gap through upskilling and relocation: Sofia's Journey with the RELOCATE Project's Training

Witness the journey from a three-year job search hiatus to a thriving role in the green energy sector, courtesy of the "Relocate" project by Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish PES. Empowered through a skills-first selection and a supportive relocation approach, Sofia landed an employment contract within three months. Read more.

date:  27/11/2023


Bridging the green skills gap through upskilling and relocation: Sofia's journey with the RELOCATE project's training


Witness the journey from a three-year job search hiatus to a thriving role in the green energy sector, courtesy of the "Relocate" project by Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish PES. Empowered through a skills-first selection and a supportive relocation approach, Sofia landed an employment contract within three months. Read more.
