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About AccessibleEU

The European Accessibility Resource Centre (AccessibleEU) is one of the flagships initiatives proposed in the European Commission’s Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Centre’s main purpose is to push the implementation of the European Union accessibility legislation in all Member States to increase accessibility policy coherence and efficiency by easing access to relevant knowledge.

date:  01/11/2023

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AccessibleEU seeks to raise awareness among Member States and other stakeholders such as technology developers, service providers, higher education institutions, civil organisations, as well as other companies and professionals about the importance of complying with the law.

The Centre will act as a common European one-stop-shop specialised on accessibility knowledge and resources to connect stakeholders responsible for implementing and enforcing accessibility rules.

AccessibleEU has also created a community of practice comprising European professionals and experts in accessibility that serves as a space to share connections, experiences and good practices.

Among AccessibleEU main activities and services are: 

  • Online library containing direct links, databases, information about standards, guides, studies, good practices and support materials on accessibility. 
  • Networking events targeted to members of AccessibleEU’s community of practice, and other professionals and stakeholders.
  • Training opportunities about different topics regarding accessibility and experience in other EU countries.
  • One study per year on targeted accessibility topics.
  • Support for monitoring compliance with EU accessibility legislation in each EU country.

AccessibleEU is managed by a consortium led by Fundación ONCE, an international renowned organisation in the field of accessibility, Johannes Kepler University Linz and the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT). The Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE) and the European Association of Service Providers for People with Disabilities (EASPD) are also part of the consortium.

AccessibleEU website offers more information about the Centre's purpose and services.