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Lithuania Case Study: External evaluation of vocation education and training quality

A new EQAVET Case Study on the Lithuanian initiative for external evaluation of VET quality has been published in the Virtual Library. In Lithuania, VET providers’ activity is a part of the national VET quality assurance approach, consisting of internal quality assurance systems of VET providers, external evaluation of VET providers and VET monitoring based on indicators. In 2020 a procedure for external evaluation of VET providers’ activities was established and monitoring indicators for were defined, which has clarified the procedure for external evaluation. Click ‘Read more’ to find out more about this initiative. READ MORE

date:  20/09/2023

A new EQAVET Case Study on the Lithuanian initiative for external evaluation of VET quality has been published in the Virtual Library. In Lithuania, VET providers’ activity is a part of the national VET quality assurance approach, consisting of internal quality assurance systems of VET providers, external evaluation of VET providers and VET monitoring based on indicators. In 2020, a procedure for external evaluation of VET providers’ activities was established and monitoring indicators were defined, which has clarified the procedure for external evaluation. Click ‘Read more’ to find out more about this initiative.