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Marking the end of the first Peer Review cycle

From March to June 2023, 10 Peer Reviews were hosted by the NRPs of Austria, Belgium-fr and Belgium-fl, Hungary, the Netherlands, Romania, Greece, Malta, Slovenia and Portugal. The various topics included Quality Management Systems (QAM), implementation and accreditation manuals and VET providers manual, the responsiveness to labour market and skills needs, the strengthening of teacher and student involvement for quality assurance, the EQAVET alignment process as well as reviews on the overall improvement of quality assurance processes. Click ‘Read more’ to find out more about the Peer Reviews.

date:  20/09/2023

Austria hosted the twelfth Peer Review on Vocational Education and Training schools

Peer Review in Austria analysed the advantages and challenges faced by Vocational Education and Training schools


Held from 15 to 17 March, the event was hosted by Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD) | RQB, along with the Ministry of Education. Peers from the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Italy and Norway analysed the shift from VET schools to a joint Quality Management System (QMS) in Austria. The discussions focused on the QMS’s different aspects, which allowed the host to receive valuable external feedback on the system’s strengths and improvement options. Click ‘read more’ to find out more about the Peer Review.


Belgium-fr hosted the thirteenth Peer Review on meeting labour market needs

Belgium-fr hosted the thirteenth EQAVET Peer Review on meeting labour market needs in terms of trainings and skills


The Peer Review took place from 23 to 24 March, hosted by the Erasmus National Agency (AEF-Europe). Peers from Belgium-fl, Italy, Latvia, Romania and Slovenia participated in the event, which revolved around Belgium-fr's responsiveness to labour market training and skills needs. The meeting discussed the possibilities for data collection in the Belgian-fr VET landscape, as well as the processes followed for creating training profiles and offers, and the participation of stakeholders in these processes. Click ‘Read more’ to find out more about the Peer Review.


Hungary hosted the fourteenth Peer Review on Quality Assurance for formal VET institutions

Fourteenth EQAVET Peer Review – EQAVET-based quality management system for formal VET institutions in Hungary


The Peer Review was hosted by Hungary's National Office of VET and Adult Learning (NOVETAL) from 28 to 29 March. Peers from Finland, Greece, Latvia, Malta and Portugal engaged in discussions around Hungary's new national Quality Management System (QMS) for formal VET institutions. The host presented the new system aligned with the EQAVET framework, VET 4.0 Strategy and the 2019 Act on VET. Participants exchanged views around the enhancement of the culture of continuous improvement and staff commitment to ensure the QMS’s sustainability, and data collection and analysis methods for supporting decision-making and stakeholder cooperation. Click ‘Read more’ to find out more about the Peer Review.


Belgium-fl hosted the fifteenth Peer Review on Quality Assuring Work-Based Learning components of VET

EQAVET Peer Review: Quality Assuring Work-Based Learning components of VET in the Dutch Community of Belgium


On 30 and 31 March, the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training – Agency for Higher Education, Adult Education, Qualifications and Study Grants (AHOVOKS) - hosted their Peer Review. Peers from Belgium-fr, Luxembourg, Malta, Spain and the Netherlands participated in the event, which focused on quality assuring work-based learning components embedded in VET programmes. Participants provided the host with feedback about the Flemish system for quality assurance, including the Dual Learning Programme, and discussed the relationship between internal and external quality assurance. Click ‘Read more’ to find out more about the Peer Review.


The Netherlands hosted the sixteenth Peer Review on quality improvement in upper secondary VET

The Netherlands hosted the sixteenth EQAVET Peer Review on student involvement and the role of teachers in improving quality in upper secondary VET


The Peer Review was hosted from 17 to 19 April, by the Dutch EQAVET National Reference Point within CINOP. The event gathered peers from Belgium-fr, Bulgaria, Finland, Malta and Slovenia. The meeting focused on the inclusive involvement of students in quality assurance in upper secondary VET and explored the possibilities for strengthening the role of teachers in enhancing quality assurance. Click ‘Read more’ to find out more about the Peer Review.


Romania hosted the seventeenth Peer Review on mechanisms for graduate tracking and skills forecasting

Towards efficient mechanisms for graduate tracking and skills forecasting in Romanian VET


Organised by the Romanian National Centre for TVET Development (NCTVETD), the Peer Review took place on April 25 to 26, and included peers from Finland, Italy, Malta and Slovakia. The Peer Review examined different ways in which to improve the efficiency and quality of processes and methodologies used for tracking professional placements, as well as anticipating skills and qualification needs related to VET provision. Discussions focused on possibilities for building on existing strengths and solutions for overcoming challenges, such as supporting VET schools in collecting and using data. Click ‘Read more’ to find out more about the Peer Review.


Greece hosted the eighteenth Peer Review about the new Quality Assurance Methodology (QAM)

Piloting a Quality Assurance Methodology and a supporting Implementation Manual in two Greek IVET institutes


The Greek National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) hosted the event on 4 to 5 May.  Peers from Germany, Hungary, Croatia, Luxembourg, and Slovenia participated in the event, which introduced the piloting of the new Greek Quality Assurance Methodology (QAM) together with a supporting Implementation Manual. The host explained the impact and ambition behind introducing the QAM in three study programmes, IVET providers shared their implementation experience, and peers gave recommendations for a revision that could enhance the QAM in a larger-scale rollout. Click ‘Read more’ to find out more about the Peer Review.


Malta hosted the nineteenth Peer Review on the new Manual for Accreditation and Manual for VET providers

Malta hosted the nineteenth EQAVET Peer Review on the implementation of their new Accreditation Manual and Manual for VET providers


The Peer Review took place on May 16 and 17 and was hosted by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA). With peers from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Spain, the host presented the new Maltese Accreditation Manual and the Manual for VET providers. Participants discussed the licensing and re-accreditation processes, together with the alignment between both manuals. Click ‘Read more’ to find out more about the Peer Review.


Slovenia hosted the twentieth Peer Review on support to internal Quality Assurance of VET schools

Slovenia hosted the twentieth Peer Review on support to internal Quality Assurance of VET schools


The Peer Review was hosted on 1 to 2 June by the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for VET. The event examined the existing tools for schools and their internal Quality Assurance systems and identified the key quality assurance cycle elements. Peers from Austria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Ireland and the Netherlands discussed the long-term strategic goals, the relevance of common terminology, and possibilities for encouraging participation in internal quality assurance systems. Click ‘Read more’ to find out more about the Peer Review.


Portugal hosted the final Peer Review on the NRP’s role in the EQAVET implementation process

Portugal hosted the final Peer Review on the NRP’s role in the EQAVET implementation process


The final Peer Review of the 2022-2023 cycle was hosted by the Portuguese NRP National Agency for Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP). The event was held from 26 to 28 July and gathered peers from Bulgaria, Germany, Latvia, Luxembourg and Spain. The event reflected on the EQAVET alignment process, with a focus on targeting Portuguese VET providers after the end of the first implementation cycle (2020 to 2023). Discussions included the assessment criteria for the alignment, the follow-up methodology based on yearly progress reports and the role of the Portuguese NRP in the whole process. Click ‘Read more’ to find out more about the Peer Review.