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A Peer Learning Activity activity brings together 60 representatives of the EQAVET network to discuss quality assurance of micro-credentials

An online Peer Learning activity brought together more than 60 representatives from EQAVET and neighbouring countries to discuss quality assurance of micro-credentials on 8 and 9 November. The event was organised online by Ireland. Participants were briefed on the recent Council Recommendation on micro-credentials, on a Cedefop project on micro-credentials for VET and the labour market, and on how Ireland uses micro-credentials. Examples were also shared by Estonia, Spain and Sweden. Click on ‘read more’ to find out more about the activity of Peer Learning (Anglaise language). < P style = “text-align: center;” > < span style = “color: #0076c0;” > < a style = “color: #0076c0;” href = “» EN SAVOIR PLUS < /span > < /strong > < /a > < /span > < /p’

date:  07/12/2022