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Pact for Skills: Two new partnerships

The European Commission’s Pact for Skills – one of the flagship actions of the European Skills Agenda – is growing. So far, 12 large-scale skills partnerships (LSPs) have been launched in 11 of the 14 European industrial ecosystems, which range from automotive and microelectronics to agrifood and tourism.

date:  16/11/2022

The aim is to have at least one large-scale skills partnership in each of the 14 industrial ecosystems and to strengthen the regional dimension of the Pact with regional skills partnerships.

In this direction, two additional LSPs will be established. One is in retail (29 November 2022) and the second in health (start of 2023).

There’s more good news! The Pact marks its second anniversary on 20 November. In the framework of the DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion flagship event on 15 November, the efforts of the Pact members were showcased, and testimonials and badges presented.

Members benefit from support services providing networking opportunities and facilitating access to skills intelligence and information on funding opportunities for upskilling and reskilling actions. There are currently more than 700 signatories to the Pact.

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