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European Court of Justice: EPSU's appeal (case C 928/19)

General advocate opinion was issued on 20 January 2021 in the case C 928/19 P on the appeal brought by EPSU against the judgment of the General Court of the European Union of 24 October 2019 in case T-310/18.

date:  19/11/2021

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The General Court dismissed the action for annulment brought by EPSU and Mr Jan Goudriaan against the decision adopted by the European Commission in its letter of 5 March 2018 refusing to submit a proposal for a decision implementing an agreement between the social partners to the Council of the European Union.

Following an appeal by EPSU, on 2 September 2021, the Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-928/19 P EPSU v Commission the Commission indicated that it is not bound to give effect to the social partners’ request seeking implementation at EU level, of the agreement that they have concluded.