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Eurocadres: Whistleblowing best practices

Eurocadres launched a new guide on internal whistleblowing channels that can be used by trade unions and employers Whistleblowing – best practice, guidance and training to complement the Whistleblowing Directive.

date:  19/11/2021

See alsoWhistleblowing toolkit – Eurocadres be...

Eurocadres – Council of European Professional & Managerial Staff, since 2018, has been carrying out two European Commission funded projects on whistleblowing.

On 17 December 2021 the transposition period for the Whistleblowing Directive will come to an end and all EU Member States must by then have adopted laws protecting whistleblowers.

Whistleblowing in European companies: Industrial relations for successful implementation of reporting channels,  developed guidance for setting up internal reporting channels which ended a final conference in October.

Whistleblowing in European workplaces has developed best practice for employers and trade unions on the whistleblowing process and carried out trainings for trade unionists.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic the remaining training part of this project was shifted to an online training tool for trade unionists. This was aimed at building capacity of trade unions to deal with the issue of whistleblowing, now that all EU member states will have legislation on whistleblowing and whistleblower protection.