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Tripartite Social Summit (TSS)

At the Tripartite Social Summit (TSS), on 20 October 2021, participants discussed "transforming Europe's recovery into long-term sustainable growth supporting more and better jobs".

European Union

date:  18/11/2021

See alsoTripartite Social Summit: Main messages

The summit focused on the following questions:

  1. How to achieve a successful, lasting and socially fair recovery and social partners' role in national recovery and resilience plans?
  2. How to succeed on the twin climate and digital transitions while staying prosperous, competitive and socially just?
  3. How to ensure sustainable work (including skills, active labour market policies, social security systems)?

The Commission’s President Ursula von der Leyen highlighted that now more than ever, social partners have a central role to play for a successful implementation of the national plans and a recovery that leaves no one behind.