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Consultation of social partners outside Art 154 TFEU - November 2021

Dedicated hearings were organised to consult social partners on the planned initiatives:

date:  18/11/2021

  • Application of EU competition rules on collective bargaining agreements for self-employed (12/04/2021)
  • Initiatives on micro-credentials and individual learning accounts (15/04/2021)
  • Green paper on ageing (16/04/2021)
  • Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work (21/04/2021)
    The dedicated consultation on 21 April showed that social partners are key actors in ensuring health and safety at work, which has become more important during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Read more on the consultation
  • Dedicated hearing on Social Economy Action Plan (8/06/2021)
  • Written consultation on the Employers Sanctions Directive (2009/52/EC) (13/07/2021)