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Webinars and online events

date:  18/12/2020

Upcoming webinars

  • February 2021: National financing systems and differences in apprentice pay

Upcoming live discussions

  • 19 January 2021: Pact for Skills: Mobilising all partners to invest in skills. Click here to register.
  • February 2021: What does quality mean in practice? Integrating the apprentice’s perspective

Upcoming events

  • 21 January 2021: European Network of Cities for Apprenticeships online workshop
  • 26 January 2021: The role of regions and cities – Green and digital transitions. Click here to register.
  • 15 March 2021: High-level meeting on 3 years of the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships and the International Labour Organization (international standards), plus national coalitions

Recent webinars

  • On 23 September, EAfA organised a webinar to discuss the role of Chambers in promoting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to run apprenticeship schemes. The webinar also discussed the other services that Chambers can provide, including managing the apprenticeship system.

View the webinar report and recording.

  • On 25 November, EAfA held a webinar to discuss the role of employer organisations in developing and promoting apprenticeships. More than 70 stakeholders discussed how employer organisations can improve and promote apprenticeships on both national and local level, and how this looks in practice.

View the webinar report and recording.

  • On 11 December, EAfA organised a webinar to discuss the rights and protections for apprentices at work. Participants provided insights on what rights and protections apprentices have in different EU Member States and discussed what measures can be implemented to safeguard apprentices.

View a summary of the event and the presentation slides.

Recent live discussions

  • On 9 November, EAfA organised two live discussions on the topic of skills for the green economy and digital skills in apprenticeships. The discussions were joined by different national and European stakeholders and the European Commission.
    Watch the recordings here.

Recent events

  • On 9 and 10 November, EAfA took part in the European Vocational Skills Week 2020 by holding a live online event on the topic of green and digital skills in apprenticeships.

EAfA members and stakeholders discussed how the vocational education and training sector is contributing to the greening of the European economy and society. The online event was attended by over 800 participants, including national and European policymakers, social partners, education providers, NGOs and businesses.

Learn more about the event and watch the session recordings.