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Looking back at 2020: Key highlights and milestones for the Alliance

date:  18/12/2020

The year 2020 was full of new beginnings and challenges for EAfA. Because of COVID-19, we had to tailor our planned activities to the ‘new normal’. This allowed us to reach people who otherwise would not have been able to attend our physical events. EAfA’s webinars had almost 680 participants, and more than 1 400 people took part in our live discussions. Furthermore, over 300 people completed our training modules on the topic of apprenticeship systems in the EU.

In July, Nicolas Schmit, the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights launched the renewed EAfA. This followed the announcement of the European Youth Employment package, which proposed a reinforced Youth Guarantee, a modernised VET policy, a renewed focus on apprenticeships and a number of additional investment priorities to help young people.  

Learn more about EAfA’s highlights and achievements in 2020.