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Latest news from the EAfA

date:  04/05/2020

Coronavirus: EAfA related events on hold

In response to the spread of COVID-19, we have decided to pause our plans for all EAfA related events in the first half of 2020 until further notice, to help minimise risks to the wellbeing of our members, colleagues and partners.

If you have already signed up to attend an EAfA event, you will soon receive email communication on next steps.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


Live discussions. Brand new this spring!

You are invited to take part in the first of a series of live discussions with thematic experts. This is a new Apprenticeship Support Services initiative.

The first discussion topic is “What does ‘Quality’ mean in practice? Integrating the apprentice’s perspective”.

We want to hear from you! What topics would you like to see explored in future live discussions.

Post your suggestions in the EAfA LinkedIn group.

Not a LinkedIn group member yet? Request to join our community. You don’t need to be an EAfA member to join this group.


Cedefop new  informationarchive relating to apprenticeships

Cedefop has launched a new archive of useful information relating to apprenticeships. The Database on financing apprenticeships in the EU provides information on how schemes are financed in the EU Member States and the UK.

This can be used by policy makers, researchers and other stakeholders to better understand the different financing opportunities available for organisations and individuals planning to participate in apprenticeship programs in different regions.

The database includes details of financing arrangements, such as sources of funding, level of costs and main actors involved. It also details the financing instruments that are in place to incentivise employers and individuals.