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Overview   Publication

Economic inequalities in the EU - Key trends and policies

This paper reviews trends in income inequality in the EU over the last fifteen years and presents a comprehensive framework to assess and monitor income inequalities and related key policy areas. It relies on a three-stages approach, namely considering pre-market, in-market and post-market stages in income inequality in order to present an integrated policy approach. Find out more on the portal.

Crosswalk between ESCO and the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF)

For the latest ESCO update, v1.2, the European Commission's ESCO team and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) collaborated to align the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) with the ESCO classification. For more details on how these frameworks were mapped, including the relationships between specific roles and occupations, further information is available in the documents on the portal.

Enhancing PLM Performance on Labour Market Tasks via Instruction-based Finetuning and Prompt-tuning with Rules

In this paper, the authors propose a novel method that relies on pretrained language models (PLMs), prompt tuning with rules (PTR) , and the structured multilingual ESCO taxonomy, to efficiently and cheaply generate large amounts of labeled data for learning a variety of downstream tasks for extracting structured information from unstructured labour market data. Read more about it on the portal.

Skills-Occupations Matrix Tables

Find out more about the updated ESCO Skill-Occupation Matrix Tables and how you will be able to connect ISCO-08 occupation groups (rather than one single occupation) to ESCO skills hierarchical groups (rather than one single skill).

European Social Fund report on 2022 achievements

This report outlines the fund's major achievements up to the end of 2022. Notably, 7.2 million people found jobs and 10.3 million gained qualifications through ESF-funded programs, another 3 million participated in ESF-supported education.

Bridging the gap for jobseekers with limited skills

A new analysis examines how public employment services can better support jobseekers with limited digital skills, focusing on people not in education, employment or training, as well as the long-term unemployed.

Bridging Gaps: EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020

This publication explores the objectives of Cohesion Policy and highlights the impactful results from the 2014-2020 funding period, showcasing projects that illustrate significant benefits at regional, national, and European levels.

Results of the European Year of Skills

Discover the results of the Year of Skills and how it has enhanced skills across the EU. Explore key achievements, events and initiatives in our journey towards greater skills development.

PES Network Capacity Report

The PES Network just released its annual "Trends in PES: Assessment Report on PES Capacity", offering an overview of the latest developments in PES. Drawing from extensive data collected from PES Network members, the report provides insights into the landscape of employment services across 31 PES.

Study on telework and the right to disconnect

Telework is expected to continue growing in the EU, with up to 22% of employees working from home by 2030. The study sheds light on this trend and explores challenges and opportunities. While telework offers cost saving benefits and improves work-life balance, it requires measures to prevent overwork and protect workers’ rights.

Can displaced persons from Ukraine move freely within the EU?

The Temporary Protection Directive does not allow displaced people to freely seek or accept employment in another Member State, as each Member State establishes its own rules and regulations regarding the employment of third-country nationals within their borders.

Making the labour market more inclusive

This report examines strategies to help people with disabilities find work and emphasises the role of employers in providing reasonable accommodation. The goal is to create an environment where everyone can participate fully.

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