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Second place

Second place

Łódź (Poland)

From a small textile town to a city of over 650 000 inhabitants, Łódź has worked hard to improve its accessibility following a holistic approach, as also shown by the adoption, in 2017, of the Łódź Standard of Accessibility. Specifically, it has worked to make its infrastructure friendlier to all inhabitants.

Access City Award 2024 second-place winner image Łódź

date:  12/12/2023

As part of this work, they have made crossings level at transport junctions and throughout the city to help persons with disabilities, elderly persons, and persons with buggies navigate their environment more easily.  Their renovation work also included creating, what is affectionately nicknamed by locals, the “Unicorn stable”. This colourful shed protects a key junction in Łódź’s transport system and is visually appreciated by all.

For its use of universal design principles in its accessibility initiatives, Łódź won the second prize in the Access City Award 2024.