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The Sara Culture Centre and Hotel: bringing accessibility and the New European Bauhaus together

date:  06/09/2023

Nestled in the centre of Skellefteå, the 2023 Access City Award Winner, is the Sara Culture Centre and Hotel. This building pays homage to Skellefteå’s rich timber tradition and has become a landmark destination in the city. Alongside being one of the elements recognised in the 2023 Access City Award, this building was submitted in the 2021 New European Bauhaus prizes under the “Buildings renovated in a spirit of circularity” category.


Sara Culture Centre and Hotel © European Union, 2021

The Sara Culture Centre aims to be more than just a culture centre but also a living room for Skellefteå’s inhabitants and a showcase for sustainable design. The building’s structure is made entirely of timber and combines modern technology with local cultural heritage. Alongside this, the goal was to reduce emissions at all stages of the building’s lifespan while sequestering carbon. A 50-year lifecycle analysis was carried out to account for the embodied carbon emitted during the building’s construction and operation, demonstrating its future lifespan of at least 100 years. Its accessible design across its ground floors ensure that the building can be entered from all sides and its internal layout is designed for easy wayfinding.
