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Bulgaria hosted the eleventh EQAVET Peer Review on ensuring Labour Market Relevance of VET in Bulgaria

EQAVET eleventh Peer Review - ensuring Labour Market Relevance of VET in Bulgaria

On February 21 and 22, the VET Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria sponsored the eleventh EQAVET Peer Review online. The event focused on four main topics, covering the Bulgarian labour market’s training needs, the identification of tools for data collection on VET programmes, the involvement of social partners and the encouragement of labour market actors to become more active regarding the qualification design cycle. The Peer Review gathered peers coming from nine members of the EQAVET Network – including Belgium (Flanders), Croatia, Czechia, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, and Slovakia. Click on ‘read more’ to find out more about the event.


date:  22/03/2023