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Introducing the European Commission Together for Rights initiative

mailing test

date:  28/06/2022

Brussels, 28 July 2022

Dear friends and colleagues,

At the end of June, the landmark European Accessibility Act had to be transposed by the EU Member States. Despite progress in many areas, persons with disabilities continue to face barriers and discrimination daily. That’s why we are rolling out a new pan-European campaign initiative to promote the rights of persons with disabilities called Together for Rights. Our message is that we must work together to ensure that persons with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else in a genuine Union of Equality.

Nothing about us without us

The campaign has been designed in consultation with and for persons with disabilities. We take this opportunity to thank the European Disability Forum, the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities, and all their members, for their precious guidance and help in bringing this vital initiative to life.

We have also partnered with EU citizens and content creators who live with different disabilities, each representing their country. The ‘champions’ are inspiring equality activists in their own right. They will share their views on how we can make a Union of Equality a reality for all on social media throughout the campaign.

How can we work together?

Please share this announcement with your contacts and encourage them to sign up to the campaign mailing list at the link below. Everyone counts!


In September, you will receive the first issue of the newsletter. In this email, we will share the latest campaign highlights, links to our supporters’ communication toolkit and more.

The participation of persons with disabilities and their supporters is vital to the campaign’s success. We hope you will take every opportunity to get involved.

We love to hear from you. If you have any questions or ideas you’d like to share, you can always write to us at:

Thank you in advance for your time and support. Take care of yourselves and each other.

The Together for Rights Team