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Quality Assurance in VET: Recent national initiatives

EQAVET National Reference Points have been extremely busy in Spring 2022 with different initiatives. These include the development of an instrument for evaluating the quality of distance learning and learning with the help of digital tools in Croatia; the introduction of a new in-service training programme for VET teachers and trainers in Hungary and new guidelines for the implementation of a quality system for VET institutions in Latvia. In addition, Slovakia has marked VET quality month in April 2022 and Spain has introduced a new law for the organisation and integration of vocational training, which includes a quality system aligned with the EQAVET framework.

date:  28/04/2022

Development of an instrument for evaluating the quality of distance learning and learning with the help of digital tools in Croatia

As part of the EQAVET National Reference Point project, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education is developing an instrument for evaluating the quality of distance learning and learning with the help of digital tools. This need was recognised during the COVID-19 lockdown when VET providers were faced with the challenge of adapting to the virtual environment for teaching and learning. In February 2022, a focus group of representatives of six vocational schools was formed to work on the design of an evaluation instrument.

‘Quality management in VET institutions’ in-service training programme for VET teachers and trainers in Hungary

Formal VET institutions in Hungary are preparing for the development, implementation and operation of their quality management system (QMS), which is based on self-assessment and the EQAVET framework.

During March and April 2022, 700 heads as well as teachers, trainers, quality management team members from 350 formal VET institutions from 41 VET centres are being trained on VET specific quality management system development, implementation, methods and techniques. The Innovative Training Support Centre is responsible for the organisation, accreditation and monitoring of the in-service training, in the frame of the new National System for In-Service Training of VET Teachers and Trainers. Members of the Hungarian EQAVET Expert Network contributed to the programme, materials and delivery of the training. Following the training, VET institutions need to develop their quality management system by 31 August 2022.

Study visit at the EQAVET National Reference Point in Italy

The Italian EQAVET National Reference Point in Italy hosted a study visit for a Turkish institutional delegation on 25 March 2022. The study visit provided an opportunity for the Turkish participants to learn more about quality assurance in vocational education and training, including the recent reforms in Italy and the work that they have done to implement new strategies and increase the quality culture in VET in line with EQAVET. Visit the Italian EQAVET National Reference Point website for more information about the study visit (the website working language is Italian).

Latvia: New guidelines for implementing a quality system for VET institutions

A new rule has been incorporated into the Latvian Education Law that requires the educational institution to develop its quality system. It is intended that the quality system combines self-assessment and respect for the principles of good governance according to the principles of ISO for educational organisations. The developed guidelines will help VET institutions in the implementation of the quality system.

VET quality month launched in Slovakia

April 2022 has been announced as the month of quality in VET. The initiative has been announced for the first time by State Institute of Vocational Education (ŠIOV) in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (Ministry) and the Employers' Council. The month will support VET awareness and promotes quality assurance in VET in such a complex and visible way. The programme of activities includes events for VET providers, regional administrations, national bodies, employers and other actors, such as common discussions, presentations, trainings and conferences, accompanied by numerous articles with a quality assurance focus. It also includes training for quality coordinators in schools, a peer learning activity for regional administrators, international conference and national quality awards in VET.

Visit the Slovakian National Reference Point website and Facebook page to read more about the events (both pages working language is Slovakian).

Revised website of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training

The website of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has been revised and it will include all EQAVET related actions that are carried out by the General Secretariat of Guidance and Lifelong Learning at the Ministry of Vocational Training. Publications will be added including documentation, newsletters, news about meetings, Peer Learning Activities and webinars. Visit the website here (the website working language is Spanish).

New laws introduced in Spain for the organisation and integration of vocational training in Spain

In March 2022 the first Organic Law on the organisation and integration of VET was approved in Spain. All vocational training, including CVET and IVET, is integrated for the first time in an Organic Law and it is based on EQAVET. The new law establishes a unique, modular and flexible VET offer arranged in training pathways that allows progression through five ascending grades (A, B, C, D and E). The training experience of each person will be recorded in the new national Register of Vocational Training, accessible to all citizens and they can obtain an updated Training-Professional Life Report. The Ministry of Education and VET in Spain is also establishing a new Vocational Guidance model.

Visit the website of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training to find out more about the new Organic Law (the website working language is Spanish).