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EMODnet Biology Phase IV data products’ workshop

EMODnet Biology partners assembled virtually from 28 February to 3 March 2022 for an intensive workshop to develop innovative data products using EMODnet data. They worked collaboratively to develop brand new products (e.g., modelling the distribution of an invasive seaweed) and to significantly improve previous products (e.g., expanding the product on the presence and absence of benthic species to cover all European waters). More focus was placed on changes in Europe’s marine biodiversity through time. They also ran sessions led by two data science experts on good practice in data product development, including tips on a range of methods and techniques to improve the reproducibility and documentation of EMODnet Biology’s products.

Fishing intensity data set extended to additional sea regions

The data set on fishing intensity made available by EMODnet Human Activities, previously only covering the North Sea, now also includes the Azores, the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast, the Baltic Sea, the Barents Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Faroes, Icelandic Waters, the Norwegian Sea and the Oceanic Northeast Atlantic.

9th annual World Ocean Summit Virtual Week

Ocean-based industries and conservation organisations are working towards 2030 targets to reduce harmful practices and restore ocean health. The summit will assess whether the targets are ambitious enough, and what policymakers, industry, and investors should do to achieve them.

EMOD-PACE: Map Viewer survey

The EMOD-PACE (EMODnet PArtnership for China and Europe) project is a collaborative pilot initiative between core implementors of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) and the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) of China. It aims to promote effective international ocean governance and support the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean and its resources. 

EMOD-PACE is currently organising a survey to obtain feedback from users and stakeholders interested in marine data and information covering the study area on the usefulness and relevance of the project’s activities, its outputs and provided tools/services. This will help the project partners to (i) gain insight into the effectiveness of the project towards reaching its objectives; (ii) gauge the general appreciation of the outputs and activities by users and stakeholders; and (iii) to help identify areas of possible improvement and/or further action.

EMODnet Open Conference 2021: Have you seen the Virtual Exhibition?

Did you know that the EMODnet Open Conference virtual exhibition is still open for the public? The exhibition, set up for the EMODnet Open Conference in June 2021 takes the user through an informative journey of the past decade of EMODnet achievements, the latest state-of-the-art in in situ marine data services, key partnerships at EU and global levels – including with the ocean observation community, and EMODnet’s increasing win-win collaborations with the Blue Economy and Business sectors.  There is information on the diverse activities of EMODnet, you can visit the gallery of community posters and get informed on related initiatives such as European Atlas of the Seas. The virtual exhibition closes in Spring 2022.

EMODnet celebrates EU marine data space partnerships at the kick-off of Copernicus 2.0

On 17 February 2022 EMODnet experts joined the Copernicus Marine 2.0 kick-off meeting that set the course for the Copernicus Marine workplan 2022-2028. Kate Larkin, Deputy Head EMODnet Secretariat spoke in a Panel on partnerships across Copernicus service and with EMODnet, noting that EMODnet is a proud collaborator with Copernicus which includes partnerships at multiple operational and coordination levels, and that EMODnet together with Copernicus Marine are key EU data services delivering the EU marine data space, the marine component of the EU Green Deal Data Space and the EU ocean contribution to the UN Ocean Decade.

Glider Mission Planning with Historical Data

By using EMODnet in situ integrated physics data in combination with modeling and remote sensing data from Copernicus Marine Service, Cyprus Subsea Consulting and Services C.S.C.S. Ltd (CSCS) gains important insight on the oceanographic conditions of the operational area where they deploy gliders.

OSPAR Threatened and/or Declining Habitats Spatial Dataset

The latest OSPAR Threatened and/or Declining Habitats dataset (version 2020) is now available via the EMODnet Seabed Habitats portal. This dataset comprises point and polygon data and shows the distribution of habitats on the OSPAR list of threatened and/or declining species and habitats within the North-east Atlantic.

EMODnet Chemistry at the Blue-Cloud Hackathon 2022

Many EMODnet thematics, data ingestion and the Secretariat were active as technical advisors and mentors for the Blue-Cloud Hackathon 2022 on 7-9 February. In addition, EMODnet Chemistry experts were involved in the EutroWarn team, which used a small subset from the EMODnet Eutrophication and Acidity time series data for the Northern Adriatic region in the Mediterranean Sea to develop the idea entitled ‘Early Warning System for Severe Eutrophication’. The Blue-Cloud Hackathon brought together nearly 150 participants from a diverse community of marine science practitioners, computer scientists and innovators to test Blue-Cloud's web-based ecosystem of Open Science services and resources to address selected Ocean challenges.

Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022

The Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 ("Come Together and Connect") will focus on the importance of strong pilina for the ocean science community. Pilina means connection, relationship, and association and is an important value in Hawaiian culture that encourages inclusivity and collaborations to achieve results that cannot be accomplished with one person alone. EMODnet will be actively contributing to a number of sessions including the scientific session: "OD11 The uptake of data by citizen scientists, aggregators and end-users: successes, challenges and gaps in the dataflow".

EU Datathon

The 6th edition of the EU Datathon, the annual EU open data competition, includes four challenges. 

  • Challenge 1: ‘The European Green Deal’
  • Challenge 2: ‘Transparency in public procurement’
  • Challenge 3: ‘EU public procurement opportunities for young people’
  • Challenge 4: ‘A Europe fit for the digital age’
  • The finals will take place on 20 October 2022.