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EMODnet Welcomes three new Associated Partners

We are thrilled to announce and welcome three new Associated Partners to EMODnet, each bringing unique expertise and a strong commitment to advancing collaboration with EMODnet in the areas of data sharing, best practices in marine data, information technology and data services, and expanding the users of EMODnet, including for the Blue Economy.

EMODnet Biology: Open and free marine biodiversity data

EMODnet Biology continuously provides free and open access to marine biodiversity data. The last data publication of 2023 has been completed and EMODnet Biology looks forward to continue collaborations with existing European research infrastructures e.g., EMBRC, LifeWatch, networks, Horizon Europe projects working on the marine biodiversity data pipeline e.g., DTO-Bioflow and MARCO-BOLO and initiatives to make more existing and historical marine biodiversity data available into the future.

EMODnet Biology expert contribution to the G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative (FSOI) workshop

EMODnet Biology was invited to provide expert input to a G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative (FSOI) workshop in September 2023 (work ongoing) entitled “Towards a global marine plankton observing network: development of a strategy and implementation plan”. The main tasks were in Goal 2: “Unlocking plankton data: enhancing interoperability and fairness for comprehensive plankton data analysis, ecological understanding, and forecasting “, and EMODnet Biology led a discussion on the interoperability between dataspaces.

EMODnet Evolution

The Open Conference 2023 Closing Session began with a speech by Delilah Al Khudhairy, Director of Maritime Policy and Blue Economy, EC DG MARE, who noted that “EMODnet has been one of the most important investments of DG MARE…We will move forward together” .  A Panel of 7 experts from the EMODnet stakeholder community exchanged on EMODnet’s achievements to-date and looked to the future of EMODnet and its evolution. Kate Larkin, Head of EMODnet Secretariat then presented an EMODnet Call to Action on behalf of the EMODnet Partnership (see article above).

The EMODnet Partner Jamboree 2023

Before the plenary stage opened for the EMODnet Open Conference 2023, the EMODnet community convened for the EMODnet Partner Jamboree 2023—an exclusive gathering of EMODnet partners and Associated Partners. This pre-conference event was attended by > 150 representatives of the EMOD-network and provided a unique setting for in-depth discussions, partner meetings, cross-thematic dialogues, and collaborative endeavors, setting the stage for the subsequent conference. Topics of discussion spanned EMODnet and Citizen Science, EMODnet Communication, EMODnet and the EU Digital Twin Ocean, and EMODnet content evolution, ranging from the coast to the deep sea and from the surface ocean to the seafloor, including ideas for new cross-thematic data products. A Partnership Dinner on 28th November evening included speeches by Kestutis Sadauskas, Deputy Director-General EC DG MARE and Kate Larkin, Head of the EMODnet Secretariat.

Virtual Exhibition

To complement the EMODnet Open Conference 2023 on-site meeting and physical exhibition, a Virtual Exhibition was produced by the EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators. contains many resources and updates on EMODnet thematic and data ingestion services, key partnerships spanning business to ocean observation and from EU to global, EMODnet videos and other communication outputs, the European Atlas of the Seas and community posters solicited and submitted specifically for the Open Conference 2023. This was showcased in Plenary during the EMODnet Open Conference 2023, just before community poster pitch presentations. The Virtual Exhibition remains open for 1 year until 30 November 2024. You can see the full EMODnet Virtual Exhibition by clicking on the button below.

Physical exhibition

The EMODnet Open Conference 2023 included a physical exhibition which served as a dynamic hub during networking breaks, showcasing EMODnet and key European and international ocean observation networks and infrastructures, marine data services and wider marine data initiatives.

EMODnet and the Global Ocean Data Ecosystem

EMODnet’s recent unification has been a game-changer for its interoperability and contribution to global ocean data initiatives. A session was dedicated to EMODnet’s global impact, including presentations from Peter Pissierssens of IODE of IOC/UNESCO, Lennert Tyberhein of VLIZ, Belgium and Jan-Bart Calewaert, Head of the UN Ocean Decade Coordination Office for data sharing.

EMODnet Impact for Society

EMODnet has a very diverse and expanding user base, across European stakeholder communities, and beyond. A session was dedicated to these users, bringing together stakeholders from EU Policy, Blue Economy, and Wider Society to discuss the tangible value of EMODnet data, data products and services. Panels explored its application in EU Policy, including the EU Green Deal, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Maritime Spatial Planning Directive and more, supporting the Blue Economy – including Offshore Renewable Energy and Coastal Tourism, and benefiting wider society, supplying marine data and knowledge to non-governmental organisations and the EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters and Horizon Europe projects, and working with these entities including citizen science to bring more societal data into EMODnet, which also powers the EC European Atlas of the Seas for Ocean Literacy.

EMODnet, Ocean Observation, and the Marine Knowledge Value Chain

EMODnet experts Dick Schaap, MARIS, The Netherlands; Antonio Novellino, ETT, Italy; and Sissy Iona, HCMR, Greece presented on EMODnet in the marine knowledge value chain, EMODnet’s partnership with the Copernicus Marine Service and EMODnet Data Ingestion. In two subsequent Panels, EMODnet's key role in the marine knowledge value chain and its strong connections with the ocean observation and data collection community were showcased. EMODnet’s contribution to the EC Ocean Observation Initiative, including the value of the EMODnet’s Sea-basin Checkpoint activities on data adequacy at regional sea-basin level, and EMODnet’s contribution to the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) were also discussed with diverse stakeholder representatives.

EMODnet Community Posters and Wider Perspectives

EMODnet is about the people and its diverse community. At the Open Conference 2023, an interactive session featured an overview of the EMODnet Virtual Exhibition, together with diverse community poster pitches, and an open mic Panel where members of the community could provide perspectives and recommendations.

EMODnet Community Townhalls

The interactive dialogues at the EMODnet Open Conference 2023 included a series of Townhalls which provided a unique platform for focused discussions on various critical aspects of EMODnet. Topics for the 2023 Townhalls included: EMODnet, Ocean Best Practices, and Interoperability; EMODnet for EU Policy; EMODnet and the Blue Economy; and EMODnet, EU Mission Ocean and wider society. These were organized and co-Chaired by members of the EMOD-network and invited experts, with EMODnet and the European Marine Board Secretariats jointly serving as rapporteur and facilitators. For each Townhall, a representative presented key messages back to the Plenary on Day 2.

EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service release joint communication on In Situ Marine Data

At the EMODnet Open Conference 2023 the two EC marine data services EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service, launched a joint communication on the EU in situ marine data landscape. The statement explains the complementarity between the two EU marine knowledge assets, and also how the services work together, following a high-level agreement between DG DEFIS and DG MARE and the signature of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2016. Copernicus Marine Service was represented at the EMODnet Open Conference 2023 in sessions including on the value of EMODnet, EMODnet for the digital era, and EMODnet, Ocean Observation and the marine knowledge value chain.

EMODnet unified service: explainer video

At the EMODnet Open Conference 2023, a new video animation was released that explains the EMODnet unified service, noting the centralisation of all 7 EMODnet thematics into one portal, and what is means for EMODnet’s diverse user community. Follow the link to watch the full video.

Launch of the EMODnet Call to Action

An EMODnet Call to Action was launched during the Closing Session of the EMODnet Open Conference on November 30th, 2023. This calls upon key actors across the National, Regional, European and Global marine knowledge community to increase their engagement with EMODnet, and to actively contribute to shape EMODnet’s evolution, taking community and political action to ensure EMODnet can not only consolidate, but also expand to meet user demand, to operate as a fully functioning, operational service of the European Commission.

Highlights from the EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree 2023

Between 27-30 November 2023 over 340 partners, associated partners, and stakeholders of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) gathered in Brussels for the third EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree. The week kicked off with a Partner Jamboree with the >120 partners exchanging on their latest service developments and joint activities. The Open Conference was a public event, moderated by Karen Coleman. With a line-up of over 75 speakers across the 1.5 days, the event highlighted EMODnet’s crucial role in the European Marine Data Ecosystem, focusing on a "Digital and Green Future." If you missed a session or want to revisit the insights, the Plenary video recordings together with event photos are now available on the Conference website, with Plenary and Townhall presentations also being made available over the next few days. A full conference report will follow in early 2024. This November 2023 EMODnet News Digest is dedicated to Conference and Jamboree 2023 highlights, with news articles also posted on the EMODnet Portal (see links below). Further updates of the EMOD-network activities will come in the end of year issue, coming out end of December.

EMODnet Biology Autumn Data School-Mediterranean organisations

On 13-14 November 2023 EMODnet Biology is offering a workshop in collaboration with MedOBIS and LifeWatch ERIC in the form of an “Autumn School”. The first two days will be organized as a DATAthon where participants can bring their own datasets and exchange knowledge on data management best practices, with a focus on marine biological and biodiversity data.

EMODnet showcases European marine data service best practices at OBPS VII 2023

EMODnet showcased its European marine data services and best practices at the recent Ocean Best Practice Systems (OBPS) VII workshop that took place online between 5-19th October 2023. EMODnet showcased its contributions to the marine data and ocean knowledge ecosystem in several sessions and across multiple workshops, including a joint EMODnet Secretariat - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) presentation on the use of ERDAAP, where EMODnet’s Conor Delaney presented how ERDDAP is integrated across all EMODnet thematics before a second presentation on the unified EMODnet services and se of OGC standards, amongst others.

EMODnet Technical Working Group holds its 14th TWG Meeting

The 14th EMODnet Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting, was held online on 18th October 2023. At the TWG, EMODnet technical experts exchanged on the latest EMODnet Central Portal developments, including user-driven evolution for 2024 and beyond.

Utilizing marine data for the design of a floating multiuse renewable energy platform

The University of Aegean is a partner in the MUSICA (Multiple Use of Space for Island Clean Autonomy) project, that developed a smart multi-usage of space (MUS) platform for the concurrent use of three types of renewable energy – wind, photovoltaic and wave – at small islands. The MUS also contributed to the advancement of a successfully tested multi-use platform (MUP), which was previously developed by the University of Aegean and the private company EcoWindWater. In the process of finding optimal siting areas for the MUP, MUSICA used EMODnet map services and data to highlight areas of potential constraints.