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Cornel Amariei, founder of .lumen: the EU bet on us that we will become a deep tech unicorn

Wall-Street Romania | 18/04/2024 | In December 2021, .lumen received €9.7 million in funding from the European Innovation Council (EIC). The startup from Cluj-Napoca was the first in Romania to receive funds through this programme.

date:  26/04/2024

Original item in Romanian:

Cornel Amariei's name is associated with an invention that will significantly help the lives of blind people and which is already recognized globally with more and more prestigious awards. The .lumen business, founded by Cornel Amariei, is the medical deep tech startup that breaks national barriers thanks to glasses for the blind, a product that has the potential to take the company to a unicorn status. "The EU has bet on us 48 and soon 120 startups from the European Innovation Council (EIC) Club to become a unicorn. This bet is strengthened by the access to mentors, to the network of contacts of the European Union, but also to a lot of other things. The EU wants to compete with the United States and puts its hope in us", Cornel Amariei, co-founder and CEO of .lumen, told There are more than 40 million blind people in the world, that is, people who do not enjoy looking at their family, watching a movie or looking at the sky, actions that seem natural to us. The biggest challenge, however, is the mobility part for which, at the moment, the only solutions are guide dogs and canes. The good news is that technology has advanced so much that there are already solutions to make moving them easier. "It's incredible what we can do with technology today" says Cornel Amariei, founder and CEO of the startup .lumen (dotLumen), which created the first glasses for the blind, based on an assistive technology system that addresses the mobility of blind people. The .lumen business comes with a scalable and high-availability technology solution that reproduces the main characteristics of a guide dog, using advanced artificial intelligence and robotics technologies in a pair of glasses. The glasses are based on a system called Pedestrian Autonomous Driving AI, that is, a model of autonomous driving in the urban environment that warns you where there are curbs, curves, pedestrian crossings or other obstacles to avoid.

In December 2021, .lumen received €9.7 million in funding from the European Innovation Council (EIC), a mechanism introduced by the European Commission that supports highly innovative technology companies with potential for global expansion. The startup from Cluj-Napoca was the first in Romania to receive funds through this program, the second being Amsicel, a developer from Suceava of a physical verification software that runs on graphics processing units (GPU) with high performance computing capabilities (which received a financing of 4.8 million euros from the EIC). I wrote history. Simple. No startup apart from UiPath has reached where we have reached now (...) We achieve some things that no other startup has achieved before. We are basically redefining what the Romanian startup means since we practically exist. Cornel Amariei, co-founder and CEO of .lumen