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40% of companies in first 2023 EIC Accelerator are female led ( | Europe)

The European Innovation Council has announced 32 companies have been selected to receive European Innovation Council (EIC) funding in equity and grant funding of which 40% percent have a female CEO, CTO or CSO.

date:  29/03/2023

Despite that only being 13 of the 32 companies, it does record the highest share to date so maybe that's progress. 

A total of 159 companies made it through to the interview round out of 476 applications. The 32 companies who did make the selection will share a pot of €196 million of funding in a combination of grants and equity investments.

Grant financing will be received within the next two to three months, while the first investment decisions will be made within two months. The companies and funding type can be seen here. 

Link to the original article can be found here.