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A word from Vincent Berrutto

Dear readers, For the last 7 years, I had the privilege to lead the team of dedicated professionals managing the Horizon 2020 energy efficiency activities at EASME. Three weeks ago, I changed job to become the Head of the “Innovation, Clean Technologies, and Competitiveness” Unit at DG ENER. I will still be aiming at decarbonising our energy system, so I hope to stay in touch with you. Thank you very much for your interest in our programme and newsletters during all these years. Vincent Berrutto

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date:  22/10/2020

Dear readers,

For the last 7 years, I had the privilege to lead the team of dedicated professionals managing the Horizon 2020 energy efficiency activities at EASME.

Three weeks ago, I changed job to become the Head of the “Innovation, Clean Technologies, and Competitiveness” Unit at DG ENER.

I will still be aiming at decarbonising our energy system, so I hope to stay in touch with you. Thank you very much for your interest in our programme and newsletters during all these years.

Vincent Berrutto