Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency


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European City Facility: First call open!

The European City Facility (EUCF) will assist municipalities with fast and simplified financial support for developing investment concepts delivering local sustainable energy projects. More than €12m of funding will be available through a series of regional calls to support over 200 municipalities over the next three years. Municipalities can apply now until 2 October 2020!

BUILD Up Skills
Future of BUILD UP Skills: make your voice heard!

We are launching an on-line consultation regarding the future implementation of the BUILD UP Skills initiative and we want to hear from you! Participate by 30 June.

Stronger together: BIM Alliance develops

A group of four projects funded by Horizon 2020 and part of the BUILD UP Skills initiative have set up BIM Alliance, a space for collaboration to explore areas of mutual opportunity and to minimise the energy footprint in construction.

Online Events
#EUSEW2020 is going digital!

Great news for energy aficionados! The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will take place from 22 to 26 June 2020, online and under a new theme: Beyond the crisis: clean energy for green recovery and growth. Registrations will launch in June!

57 projects launched with Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency support

The European Commission has signed 57 new grants for projects that support Europe's transition to a more energy efficient future. These projects are funded under the 2019 call for proposals of the Horizon 2020 programme under the challenge “secure, clean and efficient energy”.

21 new projects to support Energy Efficiency research, innovation and market uptake

72 project proposals were submitted last January for 9 different topics under the H2020 Energy Efficiency Call. Among them, 21 projects will receive nearly €53m of funding to support the clean energy transition in Europe.

European Green Deal call

The European Green Deal call is coming and we need your help shaping it! It includes Area 4 on energy and resource-efficient buildings. You have until 3 June to complete our survey!

Decarbonisation pathways for the global real estate sector

Over 30 major investors with more than 20 billion Euro of assets are optimising their real estate properties with decarbonisation pathways and a Risk Assessment tool developed by the Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor project (CRREM).

Waste heat recovery reduces climate impact of the cement industry

Energy intensive industries such as cement production can make productive use of heat that is normally wasted, thanks to technology demonstrated in the TASIO project.

This is a newsletter from the European Commission, Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME).

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