Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency


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In this issue
Communication webinar for Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency projects

On 12 December, EASME organises a communication webinar to help ongoing projects and future applicants with drafting a good dissemination and communication plan.

Introducing the new EU energy label system

The current energy label system, with energy classes from A+++ to D, will soon be replaced with a new one, from A to G. Horizon 2020 funded project LABEL 2020 aims to support the transition to the new system.

Harmonising energy and mobility planning: it’s SIMPLA!

The H2020 project SIMPLA supported local authorities in joining up their energy and mobility planning and delivered guidelines for integrated planning, a recognised good practice.

BUILD Up Skills Special
Open training platform for building professionals

Building professionals can gain new skills to design and build low energy constructions thanks to Horizon 2020 project PROF-TRAC. This project developed an online platform with training material for architects, engineers and building managers, and it has already trained more than 1,300 professionals.

Concerted Actions
Achievements of the Concerted Action of the Energy Efficiency Directive (CA EED)

The Concerted Action of the Energy Efficiency Directive (CA EED) published its mid-term impact report, which showcases its activities and most recent successes.

Checking the compliance of energy products on the market

The project coordinator of EEPLIANT 3 Concerted Action explains about this project funded under Horizon 2020 energy efficiency and its main challenges and achievements.

Project Development Assistance - Lessons learnt from the Covenant of Mayors Community

This guidebook on Project Development Assistance published by the Covenant of Mayors focuses on the H2020 Project Development Assistance (PDA), and showcases good examples of how to trigger sustainable energy investments

Horizon 2020 projects accelerating energy renovation investments in buildings

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) published a report on key schemes to stimulate energy efficiency investments in all types of buildings. A number of Horizon 2020 projects are featured as innovative good practices in this publication.

Stakeholders meeting on a Sustainable Built Environment R&I partnership under Horizon Europe

The Commission is inviting stakeholders to join a discussion on the establishment of a research & innovation partnership on 'people-centric sustainable built environment' on 12 December in Brussels.

Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum - Energy efficiency finance market place

Save the date for the the 2020 edition of the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum - Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place, jointly organised by DG ENER and EASME on 18-19 February 2020.

This is a news alert from the European Commission, Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME).

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