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European Commission Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency
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Registration is open: 5 good reasons to join our Info Day
Registration opened for our Energy Efficiency Info Day this coming 19 September 2016 in Brussels. We have limited places, so make sure you register early to secure your spot. Here are 5 reasons why you should join us:

1. Plenty of opportunities to fund research and market uptake projects. The Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency Call for 2017 has more than €100M available.

2. Strategic networking is at the heart of the Info Day to help you build consortia and meet potential partners.

3. First-hand information from successful projects on hand, always useful and rich with lessons learnt and tips: you can listen to their experience and interact.

4. Energy Efficiency topics in many areas are covered, including: ICT, industry, consumers, products, services, heating and cooling, innovative financing, buildings and public authorities.

5. Our call is open to a wide audience, so if you are a public authority, a finance institution, a research organisation or university, an NGO, or an SME, there is a session of interest for you.

We will be glad if you could join us and look forward to seeing you in Brussels.

Register here

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