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WIPO launches initiative to build IP capacity among young people

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has recently launched a new initiative aimed at forging the next generation of intellectual property (IP) leaders. The Young Experts Program is designed to expose young people with high potential to the technical and policy aspects of IP.

EU and India´s third Strategic Partnership Review

During the meeting which was held in Brussels on October 19, the discussions focused mainly on cooperation in addressing the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, not leaving behind the intellectual property topic by seeking further cooperation in the areas of research, technology and digital transformation.

A consolidated statement: India reinforces its IP system

The number of patents granted in India in the past few years has risen by a staggering 572%, from 4,227 in 2013 to 28,391 patents in 2021. Now, the Indian government is striving to bolster the country's IPR ecosystem even further.

China’s New Judicial Interpretation on Harmonizing Plant Variety Protection with IP Reforms and Agricultural Policy

In July 2021, the Supreme People’s Court issued the second Judicial Interpretation on new plant varieties titled the “Several Provisions on the Specific Application of Law in the Trial of Dispute Cases of Infringement on the Right to New Plant Varieties”. The 2nd Judicial Interpretation aims at strengthening the protection of breeders’ rights, while striking a balance between the interests of farmers and the protection of the rights of the breeders. In summary, the 2nd Judicial Interpretation clarifies the exceptions to plant variety protection, reverses in some cases the burden of proof from the rights holder to the infringer, establishes the infringer’s legitimate source defense and imposes measures against tampering with evidence amongst others.

China’s State Council approved policy on foreigners taking Chinese patent bar exam

Good news, as the China’s State Council approved foreigners taking Chinese patent bar exam to become patent agents. SMEs could soon expect to find foreign patent agents who can assist with drafting patent applications and handling the whole application procedure either in English or in their own language. The pilot project currently covers Beijing, Suzhou, Nanjing and Guangzhou.