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Outcome of October Eurogroup and Economic and Financial Affairs Council meetings

On 3 October, the Eurogroup discussed the macroeconomic situation in the euro area and in particular the fiscal policy response to high energy prices and inflationary pressures.

Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economy, speaks at the Press Conference of the Eurogroup meeting on 3 October 2022, ©European Union
European Union

date:  06/10/2022

See alsoOutcome of October Eurogroup and Economi...

The Eurogroup took stock of global economic issues, including – as is customary – exchange rate developments, in view of the upcoming annual meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund. Based on input from the ECB and the Commission, ministers discussed the role of public and private participants in the digital euro ecosystem. In this context, ministers expressed their views on the role of supervised intermediaries and the Eurosystem throughout the payments process, and on possible distribution models that would ensure a pan-European reach of the digital euro whilst also fostering innovation.  At the Economic and Financial Affairs Council on 4 October, the Council reached its position (general approach) on the REPowerEU proposal, a plan to phase out the Union’s dependency on Russian fossil fuel imports, which aims to strengthen the strategic autonomy of the Union by diversifying energy supplies and boosting the independence and security of the Union’s energy supply. Ministers discussed the role of financial markets regarding high volatility of energy prices and potential policy measures, based on a presentation by the Commission. This is part of efforts to prevent a spill-over of risks into the financial system. Ministers took stock of the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), following a presentation by the Commission on the state of play. The Council also adopted its implementing decision on the approval of the national plan of the Netherlands.