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InvestEU: support of €130 million for the energy transition of a French group in the rental of equipment and tools

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is granting a loan of 130 million euros supported by the new InvestEU program to the French group Loxam, active in the rental of equipment and tools.

Image Invest EU, Next Generation EU, Stronger Together ©European Union
European Union

date:  06/10/2022

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The loan aims to support the implementation of Loxam's energy transition and its CSR commitments. This is the first financing for Loxam from the EIB and one of the very first EIB operations under the new InvestEU programme. Thanks to this financing labelled "green loan from the EIB", Loxam will be able to continue and expand its proactive policy of acquiring electrical equipment, and equipment with low CO2 emissions running on biofuels and hydrogen, so as to gradually replace its fleet of rental equipment running on fossil fuels.