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Fourth report confirms SURE success in protecting jobs during pandemic

The Commission has published its fourth bi-annual report on the implementation and impact of SURE, the €100 billion instrument designed to protect jobs and incomes affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Image illustrating the SURE instrument that supports jobs and wages ©European Union
European Union

date:  06/10/2022

See alsoFourth report confirms SURE success in p...

The report confirms and extends the findings of the three previous bi-annual reports; namely, that SURE was successful in cushioning the impact of the pandemic and supporting the recovery in 2021. National labour market measures supported by SURE effectively protected around 1.5 million people from unemployment in 2020. SURE also contributed to preventing a rise in labour market inequality across Member States. The protection of employment was crucial to facilitate the rapid economic rebound in 2021, which was faster than those experienced in previous crises. SURE helped enable this by financing schemes to allow firms to retain employees and skills, and to help the self-employed to be ready to resume their activities immediately, as well as by boosting confidence across the EU. A total of €93.3 billion in financial assistance to 19 Member States was proposed by the Commission and granted by the Council, of which almost €92 billion has been disbursed. SURE can still provide a further €6.2 billion of financial assistance to Member States.