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European Investment Bank, in cooperation with the Commission, starts disbursing €1.59 billion package to aid Ukraine

On 14 September, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the EU bank, disbursed the first tranches of the €1.59 billion package of the Ukraine Solidarity Urgent Response, which is supported by an EU guarantee.

The Berlaymont building illuminated in blue and yellow in support of Ukraine, ©European Union
European Union

date:  22/09/2022

See alsoEIB Group starts disbursements from €1...

The disbursed financing of €500 million will help the Ukrainian government cover priority short-term financing needs, ensuring urgent repairs can be made to damaged roads, bridges and railway infrastructure. It will also support strategic state-owned companies — Ukravtodor, Ukraine's roads agency, and Ukraine rail company Ukrzaliznytsya. Repairs of the train network, roads and bridges will help Ukraine keep people, goods and grain moving. With Ukraine being one of the biggest exporters of grain in the world, these vital interventions will help its economy recover and improve connectivity with the EU. The €1.59 billion package consists of two blocks of interventions: €1.05 billion in immediate assistance and €540 million for resuming EIB-financed projects in Ukraine through which the EIB continues its support to Ukraine by funding its existing projects as they progress.