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Commission approves preliminary assessment of €12 billion payment to Spain

The Commission has approved a positive preliminary assessment of Spain's request for payment of a second €12 billion grant under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU.

President von der Leyen transmits the NextGenEU folder to Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez in June 2021
European Union

date:  30/06/2022

See alsoEuropean Commission endorses positive pr...

The Commission has approved a positive preliminary assessment of Spain's request for payment of a second €12 billion grant under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU. On 30 April 2022, Spain submitted a payment request to the Commission based on the achievement of the 40 milestones and targets defined in the Council's implementing decision for this second tranche. These cover investments and reforms in the areas of green and just transition; the labour market; pensions; regulated professions; digital connectivity and research; as well as health care; education; support for vulnerable groups; entrepreneurship and micro-enterprises; green taxation and the prevention of tax evasion; and efficient and sustainable public expenditure. The Commission has forwarded its preliminary assessment to the Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) for an opinion. The opinion of the EFC, which must be delivered within four weeks, must be taken into account in the Commission's assessment. Following the EFC's opinion, the Commission will adopt the final decision on the disbursement of the financial contribution, after which the disbursement to Spain would take place.