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Commission endorses positive preliminary assessment of Slovakia's request for €398.7 million disbursement under the Recovery and Resilience Facility

On 27 June, the Commission endorsed a positive preliminary assessment of Slovakia's payment request for €398.7 million in grants under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU.

President von der Leyen transmits the NextGenEU folder to Slovak Prime Minister Heger in July 2021
European Union

date:  30/06/2022

See alsoEuropean Commission endorses positive pr...

On 29 April 2022, Slovakia submitted a payment request to the Commission for the first instalment, based on the achievement of the 14 milestones selected in the Council Implementing Decision. They cover reforms of the judicial system and in the areas of higher education, the fiscal framework, the energy system, sustainable mobility, anti-corruption, the digitalisation of the public sector, as well as Slovakia's audit and control system for the implementation of the RRF. With their request, the Slovak authorities provided detailed and comprehensive evidence demonstrating the fulfilment of the 14 milestones. The Commission has now sent its positive preliminary assessment of Slovakia's fulfilment of the milestones required for this payment to the Economic and Financial Committee (EFC), asking for its opinion. Following the EFC's opinion, the Commission will adopt the final decision on the disbursement of the financial contribution, after which the disbursement to Slovakia would take place.