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NextGenerationEU: Commission receives Spain's second payment request for €12 billion under the Recovery and Resilience Facility

On 30 April, the Commission received Spain's second payment request under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), for a disbursement of €12 billion in financial support (net of pre-financing).

Pedro Sánchez, on the right, and Ursula von der Leyen  on the left are holding the NextGenEU brochure ©European Union
European Union

date:  05/05/2022

See alsoDaily News 02 / 05 / 2022

Spain's comprehensive recovery and resilience plan amounts to €69.5 billion in grants. RRF payments are performance-based and contingent upon Spain completing the investments and reforms outlined in its Recovery and Resilience Plan. Spain's second payment request relates to the 40 milestones and targets set out in the Council Implementing Decision, covering several reforms and investments in the areas of green and equitable transition, labour market, pensions, regulated professions, digital connectivity and research. Among the areas covered are health care, education, support for vulnerable groups, entrepreneurship and micro-enterprises, prevention of tax evasion, and green taxation, as well as efficient and sustainable public expenditure. The Commission now has two months to assess the request. It will then forward its preliminary assessment of Spain's compliance with the milestones and targets required for this payment to the Council's Economic and Financial Committee.