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NextGenerationEU: Commission makes first payment of €21 billion to Italy under Recovery and Resilience Facility

The Commission made a first payment of €21 billion (excluding pre-financing) to Italy on 13 April under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The payment comprised of €10 billion in grants and €11 billion in loans.

The national flag of Italy next to the European flag © European Union
European Union

date:  13/04/2022

See alsoPropriété intellectuelle: la Commissio...

Payments to Italy under the RRF are performance-based and depend on Italy implementing the investments and reforms outlined in its recovery and resilience plan. On 30 December 2021, Italy submitted to the Commission a first payment request of €21 billion under the RRF covering 51 targets and milestones covering several reforms and investments. This request covers reforms and investments in the areas of public administration, public procurement, justice, spending review framework, higher education, active labor market policies and law- framework to empower people with disabilities as well as Italy's audit and control system for the implementation of the RRF. They also concern major investments in the field of business digitization (“4.0 transition”), energy efficiency and the renovation of residential buildings. On 28 February 2022, the Commission adopted a positive preliminary assessment of Italy's payment request. The favorable opinion of the Economic and Financial Committee of the Council on the request for payment enabled the Commission to adopt a decision to disburse the funds. The amounts of payments made to Member States are published on the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard, which shows the progress made in the implementation of the RRF as a whole and of the individual recovery and resilience plans.