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Future-proof taxation – Commission proposes new, ambitious business tax agenda

On 18 May, the Commission adopted a Communication on Business Taxation for the 21st century to promote a robust, efficient and fair business tax system in the European Union.

Press conference on business taxation for the 21st century by Valdis Dombrovskis and Paolo Gentiloni on 18 May, ©European Union
European Union

date:  20/05/2021

See alsoFuture-proof taxation – Commission pro...

The Communication sets out both a long-term and short-term vision to support Europe's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure adequate public revenues over the coming years. It aims to create an equitable and stable business environment, which can boost sustainable and job-rich growth in the EU and increase our open strategic autonomy. The Communication takes account of the progress made in the G20/OECD discussions on global tax reform.