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InvestEU: Commission adopts new guidance documents and decisions to facilitate the start of the operations

The Commission has adopted various implementing acts and guidance documents in the framework of the InvestEU programme.

date:  15/04/2021

See alsoInvestEU: Commission adopts new guidance...

First, the Investment Guidelines offer detailed information on the requirements that financing and investment operations must satisfy in order to receive support from the InvestEU Fund. Those guidelines are now subject to a two-month non-objection period by the European Parliament and the Council before they enter into force. Second, the Sustainability Proofing Guidance details how financing and investment operations under the InvestEU Fund are to meet the three dimensions of the EU's sustainability commitments: climate, environmental and social. This guidance will be complemented in the coming weeks with an additional climate and environmental tracking guidance. Third, the Implementing Decision establishing the InvestEU Portal lays down simplified rules for the functioning of the easily-accessible database of investment opportunities within the EU. Finally, the Commission has taken a series of decisions related to the governance of InvestEU.