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Investment Plan: EU invests in advanced AI, anaerobic digestion and sustainability sectors

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing €7.5 million to AG, an Austrian software company developing innovative artificial intelligence technology based on a Natural Language Understanding (NLU) approach that can interpret and process human language text.

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date:  11/03/2021

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The software is capable of performing search and analysis based on meanings of words or sentences. Its current applications include smart search and classification of information in contracts and emails. The EU bank loan is being provided under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) as part of the Investment Plan for Europe. To boost sustainable investments in Croatia, the EIB and the European Investment Advisory Hub announced support for the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) in providing advisory services for the public sector. The deal signed on 2 March will enable HBOR to set up its own advisory services and enhance its capacity to support investments in key sectors of the Croatian economy, such as environment, resource efficiency, circular economy, smart cities, and social infrastructure. In France, the Banque des Territoires, with the support of the European Investment Advisory Hub and the EIB, has developed an "anaerobic digestion toolbox", accessible since February 26 on the site: Its role is to promote optimal project planning and to advise those implementing anaerobic digestion projects.