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Banking Union advances as Eurogroup agrees to proceed with reform of ESM including common backstop

During a video meeting of the Eurogroup in inclusive format on 30 November, EU finance ministers agreed to proceed with the reform of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), to sign the revised Treaty in January 2021 and to launch the ratification process.

date:  03/12/2020

See alsoEurogroup, 30 November 2020

They also agreed to establish a common backstop to the Single Resolution Fund in the form of a credit line from the ESM. The backstop will reinforce and complement the Resolution Pillar of the Banking Union and will help to ensure that a bank failure does not harm the broader economy or cause financial instability. Ministers also agreed to advance the entry into force of the common backstop by two years to the beginning of 2022. They will seek to advance risk reduction by using existing credible frameworks such as EU-wide stress tests, reinforced regulatory requirements for specific institutions, and enhanced surveillance to deal with structural issues. These decisions mark another important step towards completing the Banking Union. Ministers also acknowledged the good progress in Greece – on the basis of the enhanced surveillance report – and approved the next tranche of policy contingent debt measures worth €767 million.