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Latest news on InvestEU

date:  07/10/2020

The InvestEU Programme is one of the proposals tabled by the Commission for the next Multiannual Financial Framework with the aim of boosting private and public investment in the EU and facilitating access to financing. The programme will bring together under one roof all internal investment support programmes of the Union (building on the European Fund for Strategic Investments, the EFSI, and 13 existing financial instruments under the current MFF).

In May 2020, the Commission proposed a strengthened InvestEU programme as a covid-response. The proposal is based on the partial agreement already reached by the co-legislators in April 2019 on the 2018 InvestEU proposal. To the existing four windows of the Programme (sustainable infrastructure; research, innovation and digitisation; small and medium-sized businesses; and social investment and skills), the Commission proposed to add a new 5th window to cover strategic European investment. The objective of the proposed window was to cover investments in strategic areas for the autonomy and competitiveness of the Union and to make Europe resilient in the long-run.

The European Council on 17-21 July curtailed the budget allocation for provisioning the InvestEU Programme to EUR 9.1 bn down from the EUR 34 bn proposed by the Commission in May 2020. The European Council conclusions foresee the allocation of EUR 6.1 bn under Next Generation EU and EUR 3.1 bn under MFF (in current prices). Reflows estimated to be around EUR 1 bn will complement this budget. The budget allocation is below the original 2018 Commission InvestEU proposal of EUR 14.2 bn. The legislative process is on-going and the fate of the new 5th window is currently uncertain given the heavy budget cut.

In addition, the InvestEU Advisory Hub will provide technical support and assistance to help with the preparation, development, structuring and implementation of projects, including capacity building. The InvestEU portal will bring together investors and project promoters by providing an easily-accessible and user-friendly website.

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