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Commission announces new Solvency Support Instrument to help otherwise healthy companies facing solvency difficulties

On 29 May, the Commission announced plans for a new Solvency Support Instrument (SSI) designed to help kick-start the European economy and overcome the severe socio-economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.

date:  04/06/2020

See alsoQuestions and Answers: Solvency Support ...

The SSI, which builds on the existing European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), will match the recapitalisation needs of otherwise healthy companies across Europe which are at risk because of serious solvency difficulties caused by the crisis. Commission estimates based on corporate data suggest that solvency support needs could be in the region of €720 billion for 2020 alone but would be higher if lockdown measures stay in place for a longer period or in case of a second wave of the pandemic, and in a stress scenario in which GDP contracts by 15.5%, needs could rise to €1.2 trillion. The capital shortfalls resulting from the social and economic restrictions affect companies, workers and households directly. If unaddressed, they would lead to a longer period of lower investment and higher unemployment. Moreover, their impact would affect sectors and regions differently, putting the single market at risk, especially as Member States have vastly different capacities to support their businesses through State aid.