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Finance Ministers welcome measures taken by Commission and Member States and affirm their readiness to safeguard the economy

The Eurogroup held a conference call on 4 March together with non-euro area members on the situation regarding the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

date:  12/03/2020

See alsoStatement on the situation with COVID-19

The Eurogroup, liaising with the Commission, the ECB and the Croatian Council Presidency, is closely monitoring economic developments and financial impacts of the spread of COVID-19. Ministers welcomed the measures already taken by Member States to ensure that health systems and civil protection systems are adequately provided for to contain the disease and to help firms and workers that are particularly affected. They also welcomed the steps by the Commission to coordinate with Member States to share information, assess needs and ensure a coherent EU-wide response. Given the potentially significant impact of COVID-19 on growth, including through the disruption of supply chains, ministers underlined their commitment to coordinate responses and use all appropriate policy tools to achieve strong, sustainable growth as well as to safeguard against the further materialisation of downside risks. They affirmed that they are ready to take further coordinated policy action, including fiscal measures, when appropriate, to support growth. The SGP provides for flexibility to in response to unusual events outside the control of governments. At their next meetings, in mid-March, ministers will reassess the situation and any further steps needed, commensurate with the developments, as they unfold.