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Winter Package puts competitive sustainability at the heart of the European Semester

As part of the European Semester process, the Commission has published country reports that analyse each Member State's key socio-economic challenges.

Press conference on the European Semester Spring package © European Union, 2020
European Union, 2020

date:  27/02/2020

See alsoWinter Package puts competitive sustaina...

The analysis in the country reports, which were published on 26 February, reflects the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy, presented in December 2019. The strategy focuses on competitive sustainability with the aim to build an economy that works for people and the planet. Implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and performance on its accompanying social scoreboard is also assessed for each Member State. The country reports focus on four dimensions: environmental sustainability, productivity gains, fairness and macroeconomic stability. For the first time, the reports assess Member States' progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), highlighting the macro-economic and employment policies that can help to achieve them. They also analyse the challenges and opportunities for each country arising from the climate and energy transition. In the same vein, they identify priorities for support from the Just Transition Fund.