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Commission presents review of EU economic governance and launches debate on its future

On 5 February, the Commission presented a review of the effectiveness of the economic surveillance framework and launched a public debate on its future.

date:  13/02/2020

See alsoCommission presents review of EU economi...

The EU framework for economic surveillance has guided Member States in achieving their economic and fiscal policy objectives. It helped achieve closer coordination of economic policies, address macroeconomic imbalances, and reduce public deficits and debt levels. It also created the conditions for sustainable growth and for achieving the Union's strategy for growth and jobs. However, some economic vulnerabilities remain, and the fiscal framework has grown increasingly complex, which has hampered buy-in of it. Moreover, the EU now faces an economic context that has changed significantly since the rules were established. The review seeks to assess how effective the economic surveillance framework has been in achieving three key objectives: ensuring sustainable government finances and economic growth, as well as avoiding macroeconomic imbalances; enabling closer coordination of economic policies; and promoting convergence in Member States’ economic performance. The Commission is therefore inviting stakeholders, including the other European institutions, national authorities, social partners and academia, to engage in a debate to provide their views on how the economic governance framework has functioned so far and on possible ways to enhance its effectiveness. This engagement will take place through various means including dedicated meetings, workshops and an online consultation platform. The Commission will take into consideration the views of stakeholders and the outcome of these consultations when it completes its reflections on possible future steps. This process should be completed by the end of 2020.