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European Parliament to hold final vote on next European Commission on 27 November

Parliamentary committees have now given their green light to each of the Commissioners-designate of the next College of Commissioners of Ursula von der Leyen, bringing the hearing process to successful conclusion.

date:  21/11/2019

See alsoHearings of new Commissioners-designate ...

Public hearings of the Commissioners-designate took place in parliamentary committees from 30 September to 8 October and on 14 November. Next week, on Wednesday, 27 November, the European Parliament will vote in plenary session on the investiture of the overall Commission. If the College of Commissioners receive the final confirmation, the new von der Leyen Commission will take office on 1 December. Paolo Gentiloni will be Commissioner for the Economy and Valdis Dombrovskis will be Executive Vice President for an Economy that Works for People