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Leaders discuss EU budget and Brexit, exchange views with President-elect von der Leyen on implementing EUʼs priorities; appoint Christine Lagarde ECB President

European leaders met on 17-18 October to discuss a number of important issues including the EU's long-term budget, Brexit (endorsing the withdrawal agreement and political declaration), EU enlargement, Turkey, climate change and priorities for the next five years.

date:  24/10/2019

See alsoEuropean Council, 17-18 October 2019

EU leaders exchanged views on the multiannual financial framework (MFF) - the EU's long-term budget. They focused on issues such as the overall level, the volumes of the main policy areas and the financing. In the light of this discussion, the European Council called on Finland's presidency to submit a negotiation box with MFF figures ahead of the next European Council meeting in December 2019. Leaders also exchanged views with President-elect Ursula von der Leyen on the Commissionʼs contribution to the implementation of the EUʼs priorities as set out in the strategic agenda. The Finnish Prime Minister reported on the follow-up to the strategic agenda undertaken in the Council. The European Council also adopted a decision appointing Christine Lagarde as President of the European Central Bank.