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Paolo Gentiloni and Valdis Dombrovskis win approval of European Parliament as Commissioners-designate

On 3 October, the members of the Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) committee of the European Parliament questioned Paolo Gentiloni, the Italian Commissioner-designate for the Economy portfolio.

date:  10/10/2019

See alsoHearing of Commissioner-designate Paolo ...

On 8 October, joined by colleagues from the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, they questioned Valdis Dombrovskis, the Latvian Executive Vice-President-designate for An Economy that Works for People portfolio. During his introductory speech, Mr Gentiloni emphasised that economic growth and the transformation of economies must not go counter to pressing environmental and social priorities. He pledged to focus on reducing public debt, while also encouraging the use of any available fiscal space to invest. Overhauling the taxation framework at the EU level would also top the agenda, Mr Gentiloni added. During his introductory speech, Mr Dombrovskis stressed that for the EU to leverage its economic and political weight and act independently, it needs a solid financial footing and must lead on green and digital transformation. Changes can only succeed if they are socially fair, he added. Mr Dombrovskis announced that he will present an action plan to ensure the European Pillar of Social Rights is effectively implemented, accompanied by a proposal for a framework for minimum wages. Both candidates won the backing of the committees’ members. Now, based on the committee’s recommendations, the Conference of Presidents will decide on 17 October if Parliament has received sufficient information to declare the hearing process closed. If so, the plenary will vote on whether or not to elect the Commission as a whole on 23 October.