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Real Economy: The future of work – are your skills up to date?

The latest episode of Real Economy on Euronews, looks at how the world of work is changing and what people in Europe are doing to keep up with it.

date:  08/05/2019

See alsoThe future of work: are your skills up t...

The latest episode of Real Economy on Euronews, looks at how the world of work is changing and what people in Europe are doing to keep up with it. Skills are the currency of the 21st century, as working society and industries change because of technological development, climate change, demographic shifts and globalisation. The World Economic Forum estimates that by 2022, more than half of employees will have to upskill or reskill. While many workers see the introduction of new technology as an opportunity to learn new skills that could improve their future employability, new technologies are continuously evolving so matching workers' skills with future needs is a challenge. According to Marianne Thyssen, EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, one of the main challenges is the skills of the labour force, with almost 70 million people in Europe lacking basic digital skills, for example. Life-long learning is essential, according to Thyssen: “We have to skill, to reskill, to upskill.” The European Commission currently promotes its 'Upskilling Pathways', an initiative designed for adults with a low level of skills, to help them achieve employment across various sectors. It aims to address the 70 million Europeans who struggle with basic reading, writing, mathematics and using digital tools. Thyssen also emphasises the need to create a level playing field by ensuring that other countries also protect the environment and offer dignified working conditions.